While working on SharePoint Designer Workflow, I came across the following challenges:
Assign approver dynamically
I was developing a SharePoint Designer Workflow, in which approver of the Workflow was selected dynamically while reading from a field (exposed from InfoPath Form - People Picker) of SharePoint List, the problem I was facing that field was returning nothing to me even InfoPath Form had contained data in it.
After digging more into this, I figured it out SharePoint Designer Workflow was not able to fetch the value from the field in Step-1 (SharePoint Designer Workflow works in steps and within each step activities can be performed based on the conditions, if any), so when I moved the logic to assign the approver on the fly in step-2, it started working.
Set Infopath form field within the workflow
Another challenge I faced while working on SharePoint Designer Workflow to set the value of InfoPath field within the workflow. As there is no OOTB activity which allows setting the Infopath form field but after researching a bit I found a utility on the CodePlex (SharePoint Open Source Community), which adds new activities in SharePoint Designer Workflow related to Infopath and one of the activity is used to set the value of InfoPath field. In order to read more, use this link Useful Sharepoint Designer Custom Workflow Activities
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